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Auteur Discussion:W3 de Fujifilm

Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 14:19

Deep thinking - adds a new dienismon to it all.


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 14:24

Lack of Viewfinders on cameras: I've used a Canon Powershot A560 for years then we dporped it and decided we should replace it. However, I'd bought it because it had a viewfinder and dspaired when I couldn't find a similar style, size and priced replacement as all the new ones were use in cloudy conditions only . So we've limped on and credit to Canon it still works! however we now don't take as many photos and use the mobile more. So it was gratifying to read the articles on the comeback. Thanks.Posted 14 February 2012 at VA:F [1.9.22_1171]0 - 0


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 15:21

Lovely photos, Alexa alwyas looks great doesn't she- the lace dress in particular I'd so love to have. That situation sounds annoying, I've been in similar situations with drunk people! 🙁 loving your blog :)xx


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 15:32

I agree with most of the improvement neeedd comments but I use the built in ND filter in my X100 and the X10 does not have this feature. As there are times that I want to shoot wide open in the bright light and/ or with off-camera flash, an adapter is necessary to hold the ND filter. This adapter allows for the use of filters. As the Fuji adapter was not available at the time of my X10 purchase, I bought the Aftermarket hood adapter sold on Amazon. (I have the same brand adapter for my x100). The aftermarket is almost exactly the same with a few minor differences. The aftermarket does not match the camera finish, the adapter threads are slightly longer to fit deeper into the lens barrel and it does not come with the carry pouch. (I uploaded pictures for review.) The color mis-match is not noticeable on the X100 but the all black x10 does look better with he Fuji adapter rather than the aftermarket part. The lack of lens cap is a hassle and there is some viewfinder blockage but if your photography leads you into creative shooting with the X10, it's the only game in town. BTW, i paid 59.99 from Amazon, any more than that and out of principle I'd have to overlook the gloss black finish and get the aftermarket for 29.99 .


Messages: 16354
Publier fewVlwKOQgmJFhXem
le: January 27, 2014, 15:59

Yo solo quiero derlise respetosamente a wendy que es una mujer infinitamente hermosa y muy sexi daria lo que fuera por conocerla en persona te amo wendy braga saludos


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 16:16

Our professional photo lab oefrfs black & white custom darkroom prints on Ilford true silver fiber papers. We plan to make modest increases in our prices to reflect the cost of the paper. As you probably know, silver is incorporated into every sheet of photographic paper. Precious metal investors have pushed the price of silver from $6.00 a troy ounce a year ago, to $30.00 per ounce today. Paper manufacturers like Ilford and Kentmere all have to buy silver to make their paper and their costs obviously just hit sky high!There's a hidden silver lining to this higher cost. Whether you make them yourself or work with a custom lab, silver prints ARE going to cost you more, But the value of the finished print has just skyrocketed too! Think of it! With everybody either printing on their inkjet printer at home or just looking at little images on a screen, a true silver print is becoming a rare and precious object.


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 16:51

There are two major types of instant films: the inergtal sx-70 type and the peel-apart Land films. You might have used the inergtal type before, since those Polaroid cameras often ejected the film after the shot. The RB67 back takes the peel-apart films. Assuming you were able to load the film into the back (there are youtube videos that show this), after you remove the dark slide and take the shot, you gently, but firmly pull the little white and red paper tab, which then pulls a much larger tab out of the side of the back. The larger tab is actually part of the film. You grab this and pull the film firmly and quickly out of the back. Then you wait however many seconds you need to wait (this is specific to the film and ambient air temperature), then when the time is up you peel the film apart. Voila!


Messages: 16354
Publier XdGfdqLeTxNyHRgNXijL
le: January 27, 2014, 17:02

Bia comentou em 6 de julho de 2012 c3a0s 19:26. Ai Jana, como vocc3aa c3a9 linda!! Vocc3aas nc3a3o tem idc3a9ia do qtnuao eu estou amando essas novas colunas e esse texto perfeito! bjo


Messages: 16354
Publier ggKGYByqOaZktwlDJ
le: January 27, 2014, 17:29

This arictle keeps it real, no doubt.


Messages: 16354
Publier Re: W3 de Fujifilm
le: January 27, 2014, 17:35

Furrealz? That's mallveousry good to know.

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